It is indisputable that almost everybody loves consuming sweets! It often seems impossible to resist a craving for chocolate, ice cream, cookies and other sweet snacks.The truth is that they are only empty calories: they fail to contain any nutritionial benefits such as minerals, vitamins and protein which our body needs to function properly and effectively.
I read some article about healthy eating a few days ago and the author claimed that water constitutes a perfect substitute for sweets. It sounds a bit ridiculous, isn't it? It's a fact that drinking water has a positive effect on our skin and in general, on our health; nevertheless, I'm sure that there is no such person in the whole universe that would pick out water instead of sweeties.
However, how can we replace cravings for sweets with other wholesome sweet foods? I'd love to share with you my three healthy alternatives which I've been using for some time now. They are full of natural fruit's sugars, vitamins and taste incredibly delicious!
1. Strawberry-Raspberry Dessert.
- 10 strawberries
- 1 raspberry jelly
- 1 tablespoon almond flakes
- 7 oz. natural yoghurt (200 grams)
- 1 piece dark chocolate (optional, for garnish)
1. Wash and peel strawberries.
2. Add 7 strawberries and natural yoghurt to a blender and mix until smooth.
3. Fill two glasses halfway with the mixture and put them aside.
4. Prepare the jelly according to the instructions on the package (but it's better to take 420 ml of water instead of 500ml) and add the remaining chopped 3 strawberries.
5. Place the jelly in the fridge for about 3 or 4 hours.
6. Prepared jelly put at the top of the mixture in the two glassess and place for another hour in the fridge.
7. Remove from the fridge and sprinkle with almond flakes and dark chocolate shavings. Enjoy!
- 1 banana
- 1,5 kiwi
- 2 strawberries (optional)
- 5 oz. natural yoghurt (150 grams)
- 1/2 tablespoon almond flakes
1. Wash, peel and slice all fruits.
2. Mix sliced banana, 1/2 kiwi and natural yoghurt in a blender until smooth.
3. Pour into a glass.
4. Add the remaining 1/2 kiwi and place in the freezer.
5. Prepared ice cream remove from the freezer, top with kiwi and strawberry slices and sprinkle with almond flakes. Enjoy!
- 2 ripe bananas
- 1 peach
- 1 cup rolled oats
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1 tablespoon cranberry (optional)
1. Peel and slice bananas. Wash and cut peach.
2. Mix bananas, peach and honey in a bowl and put aside for 15 minutes.
3. After that time, add rolled oats and cranberries. Stir.
4. Mould round cookies and place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
5. Bake for 20 mins in the temp. 180°.
6. Remove cookies from the oven and put them on an oven shelf to harden and cool down.
DO NOT place cookies immediately after baking on a plate because then they will soften up by absorbing moisture. Enjoy!
Obviously, the easiest and most common way to replace sweets is just making a salad by mixing all of our favourite fruits in a small bowl with natural yoghurt and some nuts, seeds or dried fruits. :)
I really hope that you'll use some of my recipies to prepare these luscious desserts instead of spending money on sweet and fatty snacks.
See you next time! :)