26 July 2014

Cleanse your body! Healthy detox smoothie recipe!

 Hi everyone! :)

Today's post is some kind of continuation of what I wrote about a week ago but this time you need to be ready for the smoothie detox! By far this green healthy smoothie pictured below is one of those detoxifying and neutralizing beverages which from time to time every one of us should drink to cleanse the body. They're definitely rich in flavour and nutrients.

cucumber - revitalization
parsley - oxygenation
spinach and mango - nutritional value (high in antioxidants, vitamins&minerals)

INGREDIENTS (for two/three servings)

1 cucumber
1 mango
3 cups baby spinach
3 tablespoons parsley 
almond flakes (optional, for garnish)
1/2 glass of water 


1. Wash mango and all vegetables. Cut mango and cucumber. Chop parsley.
2. Combine all ingredients in a blender. Add 1/2 glass of water (or more if necessary). Whirl until smooth.
3. Pour into a glass and top with almond flakes.

Cleanse your body and enjoy the taste! :)

19 July 2014

Healthy gorgeous fruit and vegetable smoothies!

Hi everyone! :)

A few months ago I have opted for introducing some changes in my diet - they were primarily related to consuming healthier foods which obviously include fruits and vegetables. I've been chiefly eating them in the form of side dishes (often salads) and after some time I got bored with it (but it doesn't mean I don't eat salads any longer). I've decided to surf the net searching for some novel uses of serving them and I've found smoothies just ideal ways to get my daily intake of both fruits and vegetables.  :)

Combinations of fruits and vegeatbles in smoothies are limitless and it purely and simply depends on you which ingredients you pick out. Whether you're new to drinking smoothies, (in order not to be disgusted at first) attempt to use equal amounts of fruits and vegetables (or fruits alone - the first recipe below) to get accustomed to the taste. Later on, you can gradually limit the use of fruits and consider making smoothies mainly from vegetables.

Below you can find my three recipes for preparing gorgeous smoothies which I do love to drink very often. As you might notice, I prefer dense smoothies to runny ones but you can obviously add more water (or natural yoghurt/fat-free milk) to make the consistency preferable for you.

1. Pink smoothie. 



1 medium banana 
 1/2 cup raspberries
1 cup natural yoghurt
1,4 oz (40g) semiskimmed curd cheese
2 spoons honey
2 spoons wheat bran
1 spoon almond flakes
2 tablespoons rolled oats 


1. Soak rolled oats in hot water until soft.
2. Wash, peel and cut banana and raspberries.
3. Mix fruits, natural yoghurt, curd cheese, honey, wheat bran and soft rolled oats in a blender.
4. Pour into a glass and topped with almond flakes and fresh raspberries.


 Enjoy your meal! :)

2. Orange smoothie.


1 medium orange
1 medium banana
4 medium carrots 
pumpkin seeds
still mineral water


1. Wash, peel, cut and mix all ingredients in a blender. Whirl until smooth.
2. Add the amount of water you prefer.
3. Pour into a glass.
4. Topped with pumpkin seeds and enjoy the taste! :)

Of course, you can replace one ingredient with another; for instance, an orange with an apple and the taste will be perfect as well.

3. Red smoothie.


1 medium apple
1/2 cucumber
1/2 medium beetroot
1/4 grapefruit (yellow or red)


1. Wash, peel, chop and mix all fruits and vegetables in a blender.
2. Add the amount of water you prefer to make the consistency good for you.
3. Pour into a glass.
4. Serve with some cucumber slices.

DONE! :)

 Bon appetit!! :)

12 July 2014

Ziaja Med SPF 50 - REVIEW!

Cześć wszystkim! :)

Ze względu na to, iż upalne dni nadeszły do nas już jakiś czas temu, przyszła najwyższa pora na rozpoczęcie stosowania kremów z filtrem. Dziś kilka słów na temat kremu do twarzy z serii Ziaja Med SPF 50, który mam okazję testować od około dwóch tygodni. 

 Tytułem wstępu, jest to krem matujący przeznaczony do cery tłustej i mieszanej ze skłonnością do trądziku.

 Krem ma lekką, kremową konsystencję, co jest z pewnością jego dużym plusem. Szybko się wchłania oraz nie jest odczuwalny na twarzy w ciągu dnia. Daje uczucie naprawdę delikatnego nawilżenia.

 Wiele kremów z filtrem ma to do siebie, że niestety zapychają pory. W przypadku tego kremu ten problem nie występuje! Co więcej, śmiem nawet twierdzić, że odkąd zaczęłam go stosować stopniowo zaczęły mi znikać zaskórniki, z którymi borykam od jakiegoś czasu (podejrzewam, że są one spowodowane używaniem kremu na dzień z firmy Soraya).

Jeżeli chodzi o zmatowienie twarzy i absorbowanie nadmiaru sebum to niestety nie ma na co liczyć. Na mojej twarzy mat utrzymuję się zaledwie dwie, góra trzy godziny od momentu aplikacji. Niezbędne jest w tym przypadku przypudrowanie twarzy (polecam pudry mineralne, które nakładamy poprzez wklepywanie produktu  najlepiej pędzlem - nie rozcieramy pudru).

Krem można zdobyć za około 20 zł w sklepikach Ziaji oraz aptekach.

Jakie są jego największe plusy? Moim zdaniem to bardzo duży filtr, który zapewnia niezbędną ochronę przed promieniowaniem słonecznym w ciągu lata; brak zapychania porów, co jest dość trudno osiągalne podczas stosowania kremów z filtrem; oraz lekka, nietłusta konsystencja, która daje poczucie komfortu. :) 

5 July 2014

BRAND-NEW SERIES by Golden Rose - Vision Lipstick !

Hi everyone! How are you doing? :)

Today's post's gonna be a little bit distinct from what I've added so far. I'd love to make you know that Golden Rose has just released a new lipstick series called Vision Lipstick. There are 25 shades with both creamy and pearly finish. I reckon they fail to dry our lips because they contain vitamin E, shea butter and jojoba oil. The price might be quite surprising for some of you beacuse it's only 9,90zl!! You can get them both online and in a regular store.

the source: the internet
the source: goldenrose.pl

  Not all of them have attracted my attention but obviously I've picked out my favourites! 

- light nude colours: no. 103 and no.106 - ideal for spring and summer!
- pink colours: no. 108 and no. 112 - so juicy and lively shades!
- dark colours: no. 124 and no. 125 - I'm particularly obsessed with the former one 'cause it has such a gorgeous juicy fuchsia colour which is just perfect for summer and autumn!

I'm really curious to see how they work and how long they last on our lips! 

Cannot wait to try them out! :)